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Give me your toughest breakup/relationship struggle: I'll share my insights and whether this program can help you.

Is your ex still taking up space in your head? The harder you try to not think about them... the more you think about them? Feel like you could use some help getting over them? Moving on and dating after a devastating breakup can feel unimaginable. How can you focus on someone else... when someone else is still in your head? Analyzing details, hoping to lessen the heartache. Feeling lost, doubting you'll ever reconnect that way again. Pulling away, afraid of being hurt again. But there's a way out. A path to rediscover your light and purpose. I've been there - let me guide you through, into a joyful life overflowing with love. Fulfillment and confidence await within you. I can help you break free and reclaim them.

Meet The Creator of The Ex Your Ex 30-Day Program

My Story:

Hi, I'm Errol Greene, the creator of the Ex Your Ex program. A traumatic breakup in my early 20s derailed my life for years. I was so obsessed with my ex, I literally couldn't function - temporarily dropping out of school, pushing away friends, not dating, and unable to get out of bed. That was me-- for four years. Those four dark years consumed by depression almost ended me. Determined to never feel this kind of pain again, I embarked on a mission to understand love, loss and find a way to restore confidence. By studying the "acceptance stage" of relationships, as well as how high-confidence daters think, I was able to reframe what I'd gone through, transforming me from shy and insecure to confident and rejection-proof. Because of this, I was able to find healthy relationships with the right women and become my best self. To say it changed my life is an understatement. I decided to share what I'd learned, and after 20 years helping thousands of individuals recover from breakups, I created Ex Your Ex to share this wisdom with more people. This 30-day program guides you through new techniques to process grief, change perspectives, and manifest healthy love. If you can relate to what I'm saying, this is my lifeline to you - if it doesn't work, you owe nothing - I don't even want your money. But if it changes your life like it did mine, I simply request a photo with your new partner and short note telling me how it changed your life. If you'll invest 30 days (or less) with me, I'll help you move on quickly and fully, adopt an abundance dating mindset, and find the person you're meant for. Take a moment and think how this could change your life... and again, if for some reason it doesn't, you owe me nothing.

Errol Greene

Creator of Ex Your Ex

Taking You From 'So Over' to 'Soulmate'

Trust us, we're a lot more helpful and responsive than your ex was. Get coaching tips and more to your inbox.

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Course curriculum

Begin Your Life Transformation: With each module, gain the insights and tools you need to become an empowered version of your dating self.

    1. How Deeply Has Your Breakup Affected You? Take the Quiz:

    1. Introduction to Ex Your Ex Program

    2. Module 1 - Getting Started

    3. Module 2 - Feeling Bad? Here's Why...

    4. Module 3 - Epiphany + Perspective Change = Over Your Ex

    5. Module 4 - The Gift Of Freedom

    6. Module 5 - Feeling Rejected? You Shouldn't, Here's Why

    7. Module 6 - Can't Stop Thinking About Them? Do This

    8. Module 7 - Were You Your Best Self? Why That Is Important

    9. Module 8 - Coping With Your Feelings When They Are Overwhelming

    10. Module 9 - Breaking Bad Patterns That Are Holding You Hostage

    11. Module 10 - The Concept Of "The One"

    12. Module 11 - Was It Really Love... or Infatuation?

    13. Module 12 - A Tremendous Resource For Getting Over Your Ex... With A Twist

    14. Module 13 - Proof You Can Move On... Like RIGHT NOW

    15. Module 14 - Why You Are DESTINED To Succeed

    16. Module 15 - Putting It All Together... Now Is YOUR TIME!

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content
  • Free 112 Page Workbook
  • Email Q&A Consultations

Your step-by-step blueprint to getting over your ex

Is Getting Over Your Ex In 30 Days Or Less...

never being hurt again, never being stung by rejection again, figuring out the lesson your relationships are trying to teach you and much more... worth $99?

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This Program Is 100% Guaranteed

If the Ex Your Ex 30-Day Challenge doesn't have you feeling substantially better in 30-days or less, and make you a more confident dater... we don't want your money.

This program guarantees the following: You will feel substantially better in 30 days or less from when you start the program. If you're mourning the loss of your ex, you will be in a much better place. You will feel better

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